Cloud computing is the domain that provides data sharing to a group of users. The cloud services such as storage, access, and data usage provide high security to the cloud users. Security is a crucial task that provides to the cloud data and prevents data loss from the attackers. The Cloud Service Provider (CSP) plays a significant role in providing services to the cloud users. The CSP mainly manages the user's data, which cannot be modified or deleted by the CSP because of its access policies. Providing security for the user's data is a tedious task for cloud storage. Several security protocols and schemes prevent various attacks by attackers. The data security checking protocol installs the auditing technique, which is not maintained, allowing attackers to hack the information from the cloud despite its presence. This paper presents a Robust Data Security Scheme (RDSS) to improve data security for multiple users and presents an accurate data encrypted environment. The user-uploaded data is converted using ElGamal Encryption, a secure format, before being stored in the database. The system stores the converted data in the cloud server or database. Finally, the proposed approach provides high security regarding data confidentiality, integrity, and availability while maintaining low computational overhead for the cloud users by providing a secure environment.